Home > Toilets > SeaLand-Dometic Toilet – VacuFlush 1147 > VacuFlush 1147
What Our Customers Are Saying
We rented a 34′ motor home for a long road trip to the Grand Canyon. We had a great time and I was very happy with the customer service we received from the company. Great people to do business with!
-Grand Canyon Tourist
Read More...View Our RV’s In Person!
Please call us at (208)999-3073 to schedule an appointment to view our RV's. We'd love to show them to you.
Our address is:
RentForFun RV 814 Rising Sun Dr. Nampa, ID 83686Normal business hours:
Monday through Friday 9am-5pm MST
Pick up your RV rental BY APPOINTMENT available Sunday through Friday 9am-4pm.
Return your RV rental by 7pm on your final rental day. We have a key drop on our building for after hours returns.
We recommend taking before and after pictures of your rental vehicle especially if making an after hours return.